The Reading Shed

I've been an avid reader from the age of 3. Starting with the Janet & John books! Nowadays I like to sink my old teeth into a British Murder Thriller. I also love Contemporary Romantic Fiction too. Comedy, Biography, a bit of Romance ( nothing Mills & Boon though) I love reading in the early hours, when it's all quiet. I hate noise when I'm reading. I have a Romanian Rescue Dog who I adopted this year, she is an old lady and has always lived on the streets before coming to live with me. I adore all animals. I giggle a lot, and silly things leave my mouth before I've had time to think

Christmas Under a Starlit Sky

Christmas Under a Starlit Sky - Holly Martin Once again I must thank bookouture and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to review holly martins 2nd book in the series “A Town Called Christmas”

I adored my first visit to Juniper Island ( here is my review of book one ) and hoped I would get a chance to visit again and here we are again with lots of love,laughter, drama and Christmas spirit.

This book has the feel good family Christmas I have craved since losing my parents 20 years alist
Its great catching up with characters from the first book, and seeing what they’ve been getting up to.

This really is a funfilled enjoyable Christmas Baubleicious read which should be on everyone’s #Christmas #Bookmas list