The Reading Shed

I've been an avid reader from the age of 3. Starting with the Janet & John books! Nowadays I like to sink my old teeth into a British Murder Thriller. I also love Contemporary Romantic Fiction too. Comedy, Biography, a bit of Romance ( nothing Mills & Boon though) I love reading in the early hours, when it's all quiet. I hate noise when I'm reading. I have a Romanian Rescue Dog who I adopted this year, she is an old lady and has always lived on the streets before coming to live with me. I adore all animals. I giggle a lot, and silly things leave my mouth before I've had time to think


Chances - Freya North Another book i've pre ordered ready for delivery on publication day, straight to my kindle.. I've read all of Freya's books and like Katie FForde's books they are really great and so easy to get into.

Well it arrived and i enjoyed every single page of this brilliant book. It had me laughing out loud and i mean proper belly laughs, in some parts. Cringling in others, quite sad in some, but thats what made Chances.
A really brilliant read that i'd most certainly recommend.